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Create awareness for the newly launched Spanish fashion brand in Mumbai, Chennai and Bangalore and create a distinct positioning for it in India’s booming fast fashion space.
It was important to understand the audience first and a consumer dip-stick study across the three cities gave us great insights in terms of how the brand could be effectively positioned vis a vis existing established fast fashion brands.We identified key fashion influencers through our research and engaged with them for positive reviews on social platforms. Unique ways of engaging with young target audience were identified – both digitally and via live events. Simultaneously, strategic communication on the brand, its India plans via spokespersons of Springfield and its parent company Cortefiel Group helped us highlight the brand effectively.
Springfield launch in India was a huge success with a big coverage splash acrossleading media platforms - print and online. In what was then one of the biggest influencer campaigns, over 100+ leading fashion influencers created exciting conversations around the brand and its unique fashion sensibilities. Springfield stores saw record footfalls post launch.
October 21, 2021